Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the more frequent questions we are asked. If you have specific questions, please contact us to set up a consultation.

Do I Need a Lawyer?

Sometimes the need for a lawyer is a no-brainer: when you’ve been served with a lawsuit, or when you’re arrested and charged with a crime. It is important to keep in mind that people hire lawyers for advice and expertise all of the time, and in all kids of scenarios. While you may be able to get through a legal problem without hiring a lawyer, often times the risk of not knowing fully the legal consequences greatly outweighs any benefit in representing oneself.

What Is The Risk ?

One of the first things to ask yourself is: “What is at stake?” When your freedom or money is in serious jeopardy, the obvious answer is to get the appropriate legal advice to get through the situation. An ordinary traffic citation is a brush with the law, but you need not consult with an attorney to pay the fine or even to fight it. However, if you’ve accumulated a number of ciations and a warrant has been issued for your arrest, you would probably want to hire a lawyer to help you best resolve the situation, and perhaps save you money or even keep you out of jail.
It’s also a lot easier to rest easily after consulting with experienced lawyers for important undertakings such dealing with criminal charges, divorces, and even pursuing personal family matters such as adopting children.

What Should I Consider Before Hiring a Lawyer?

It never hurts to talk to a lawyer, and it may be the best thing you ever do if you think you have a legal problem. It is important to find the right attorney that fits your current needs. No matter what the situation is, you need the right attorney for the job.

When Should I Talk to a Lawyer?

In many situations, it’s obvious that you need to act fast. Even if you think you have lots of time to consider your alternatives, deadlines may sneak up on you and lawyers need time to prepare. It is always better to start looking for a lawyer sooner than later.
If you’ve been injured in an accident, keep in mind that there are time limits on your right to file a lawsuit. These “statutes of limitation” vary greatly and depend upon the facts of each case. In some instances, the law requires a claimant to notify potential defendants about any injury within an extremely short period of time.

What Do I Want?

This is an easy question to answer if you find yourself a defendant in a civil suit or charged with a crime. In these cases often times your goal is as simple as keeping your money, keeping your job, and preserving your reputation in the community.
If you aren’t sure what your legal rights are, it might be worth your time and expense to retain a lawyer to evaluate your situation and advise you on alternative courses of action.
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